Juzisound Total SOLO Sampler MICRO
– Upper 1 and Upper 2 are standard and fully independent. It’s possible for any of them to load any sound in any oscillator mode.
All Oscillator Modes from Sampler 2
– Sampler MICRO has all oscillator modes from Sampler 2, except „Ethno Violine“.
Polyphony of 24 voices
– Sampler MICRO have plyphony of 24 stereo voices exact like Sampler 2.
Stereo Sampling
– Sampler MICRO works with stereo samples too. Supported sample formats are: PCM WAV files, 16bit / 48kHz / Mono or Stereo.
– Sampler MICRO play the same bank from Sampler 2, with same limitations.
Sample interpolation is 4 point Hermite
-Best sounding audio interpolation for real time use.
2 Insert Effects
– Every upper have one insert effect
– Master delay and Master Reverb block
– MIDI connector is only one, but this connector fave 3 combined function, available in the same time: MIDI Input, MIDI Output and Power out for power accordeon MIDI system.
Juzisound Total SOLO Sampler MICRO
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